Setting up Cosmovisor
Configuring Cosmovisor is generally uncomplicated. Nonetheless, it requires the setup of specific environment variables and a designated folder structure. Cosmovisor facilitates the advance downloading of binaries for chain upgrades, enabling upgrades with minimal or no downtime. This feature is particularly beneficial if a chain upgrade is scheduled at an inconvenient time due to time zone differences. Instead of performing challenging operational tasks late at night, Cosmovisor aims to automate these processes, offering a more streamlined solution.
First install cosmovisor:
go install
Your installation can be confirmed with:
which cosmovisor
This will return something like:
Add environment variables to your shell
n the .profile file, usually located at ~/.profile, add:
export DAEMON_NAME=soarchaind
export DAEMON_HOME=$HOME/.soarchain
Then source your profile to have access to these variables:
source ~/.profile
Set up folder structure
Cosmovisor expects a certain folder structure:
├── current -> genesis or upgrades/<name>
├── genesis
│ └── bin
└── upgrades
└── <name>
└── bin
set up this folder structure:
mkdir -p $DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor/genesis/bin && mkdir -p $DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor/upgrades
Set up genesis binary
Cosmovisor needs to know which binary to use at genesis. We put this in $DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor/genesis/bin.
First, find the location of the binary you want to use:
which soarchaind
Then use the path returned to copy it or use $HOME to the directory Cosmovisor expects.
cp $(which soarchaind) $DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor/genesis/bin
Set up service
Commands sent to Cosmovisor are sent to the underlying binary. For example, cosmovisor version is the same as typing soarchaind version.
Nevertheless, just as we would manage soarchaind using a process manager, we would like to make sure Cosmovisor is automatically restarted if something happens, for example an error or reboot.
First, create the service file:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/soarchaind.service
Add these fileds:
Description=Soarchain Daemon (cosmovisor)
ExecStart=/home/<your-ubuntu-user-name>/go/bin/cosmovisor start --log_level info --minimum-gas-prices=0.0001utsoar
A description of what the environment variables do can be found here.
Start Cosmovisor
Enable the service and start it:
sudo -S systemctl daemon-reload
sudo -S systemctl enable soarchaind
check config one last time before starting!
sudo systemctl start soarchaind
Check it is running using:
sudo systemctl status soarchaind
If you need to monitor the service after launch, you can view the logs using:
journalctl -fu soarchaind
If you fail in any step please contact with us through Discord or our other channels.