📄️ CosmWasm
What is CosmWasm?
📄️ before-Starting
Install Rust
📄️ Deploy-a-Smart-Contract
Deploy a Smart Contract
📄️ Custom-Module-Interaction
Interaction with custom modules functionalities using smart contracts
📄️ Smart-Contract-interaction
Interaction with a Smart Contract on soarchain
📄️ Soarchain Smart Contract Starter Kit
Welcome to the Soarchain Smart Contract guide! This guie is designed to help you build smart contracts in Rust, specifically for deployment in modules compatible with the Cosmos SDK. It's crafted for all chains that support this functionality. To get a comprehensive understanding of the underlying framework, we highly recommend reviewing the detailed overview provided in the Soarchain contract templates repository. This guide presumes a foundational knowledge of blockchain theory and a readiness to dive into coding.